This is a blog about NCERT SOLUTIONS where I share good and short NCERT SOLUTIONS and notes

Thursday, January 10, 2019


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NCERT Solutions for class 7 Hindi in PDF form to free download. NCERT books and their solutions both are given to study online. NCERT Solutions of other subjects of class VII in PDF form. Solutions of Durva bhag 2, Vasant bhag 2 and Bal Mahabharat katha and NCERT is give below to download as PDF files. Assignments and question bank will be uploaded later on. कक्षा ७ के लिए हिंदी की पाठयपुस्तक के अभ्यास के प्रश्न उत्तर




Chapter 1 हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के:-Download here
Chapter 2 दादी माँ:-Download here
Chapter 3 हिमालय की बेटियां:-Download here
Chapter 4 कठपुतली:-Download here
Chapter 5 मीठाईवाला:-Download here
Chapter 6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर:-Download here
Chapter 7 पापा खो गए:-Download here
Chapter 8 शाम एक किशान:-Download here
Chapter 9 चिड़िया की बच्ची:-Download here
Chapter 10 अपूर्व अनुभव:-Download here
Chapter 11 रहीम की दोहे:-Download here
Chapter 12 कंचा:-Download here
Chapter 13 एक तिनका:-Download here
Chapter 14 खानपान की बदलती तस्वीर:-Download here
Chapter 15 नीलकंठ:-Download here
Chapter 16 भोर और बरखा:-Download here
Chapter 17 वीर कुवर सिंह:-Download here
Chapter 18 संघर्ष के कराण मैं तुनुकमिजाज हो गया धनराज:-Download here
Chapter 19 आश्रम का अनुमानित व्यय:-Download here
Chapter 20 विप्लव गायन:-Download here

Why visit vj education?

The solutions for Class 7 NCERT hindi book are created for your ease and comfort. You don't need to battle traffic jams. Our aim is to provide a clear understanding of the NCERT hindi solution and notes for our class 7 students. We provide short notes also that really help students.  To monitor your progress, we conduct regular assessments and provide you with assignments. You get to decide on the pace of the session, the topic you want to study, and the timing. The lesson plan is created taking your requirements into consideration! You can attend the live lectures from our site on any of your mobile gadgets and start studying. We created the NCERT solutions for class 7 hindi to help you get a better understanding of class 7 hindi and the basic concepts behind it - hope we will help you!

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